What people are saying about Randy Credico and his courageous show…



“Randy Credico has no peer. He is one of the finest interviewers and 'personalities' in the world of radio. What makes Randy so unusual is his brilliant unpredictability and mischief. He is one of the last of a dying yet desperately needed breed: the moral satirist. None of this is fake, because Randy is such a principled man, whose passion for fighting the good fight is undimmed. He is a man of the hour. I salute him.”

— John Pilger

“My dear brother and comrade Randy is one of the most courageous and consistent freedom fighters in American media! His recent work on Julian Assange is powerful and needful in these grim days!”

— Cornel West

 “A lifelong promoter of press freedom, justice and transparency, Credico refuses to give in to mainstream misinformation and defends longstanding American values of democracy and the rule of law.”

— Professor Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture

“Randy Credico’s show has helped break the appalling silence of the US media on the abhorrent treatment of Julian Assange.I just want to confirm that I spent this afternoon listening your show on Julian Assange and your smart questions to John Pilger and Craig Murray: by addressing issues no mainstream media wants to address in the US, you are performing a valuable service. Important work: keep it up! Thank you"

— STEFANIA MAURIZI, Il Fatto Quotidiano